Category: Snippet
On Right and Wrong
I wrote these words in late 2011 — I still believe in them today. No matter what you think, no matter what you believe, no matter your intentions, there will always be someone who disagrees. While the only meaningful course of action is to stand up for, stand behind your beliefs, just remember that –…
RBG on Selective Deafness
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, quoted in a New York Times article… Another often-asked question when I speak in public: “Do you have some good advice you might share with us?” Yes, I do. It comes from my savvy mother-in-law, advice she gave me on my wedding day. “In every good marriage,” she counseled, “it helps sometimes…
The genesis of this web site was a desire to clean house. Over the years I have had numerous web domains that have served different purposes — principally for podcasting, tech writing, social commentary, and some of my photography. These have, to some extent, tended to cross over one another and at one time I…