Author: Allister

  • Padding Pictures Like Video

    Padding Pictures Like Video

    I often write small scripts I use on my Mac to get stuff done that are a chore to do manually. Some might call this automation, but really it’s just tool-making. The problem to be solved in this case was padding pictures out to a 16:9 ratio for use as desktop wallpaper on my 4K…

  • Using Backblaze B2 to safeguard your photos

    Using Backblaze B2 to safeguard your photos

    This post is based on one originally published on a different site in November 2018. You back up your photos, right? They are your precious memories and you’d not want to lose them, right? What if I told you that backups are not enough to protect your photos — do I have your attention? There…

  • Going Deep on Detail

    Going Deep on Detail

    In late 2019, in a fit of pique at Skylum Software’s apparent disregard of promises to their existing customer base, I went looking for a new photo processing tool. As an acquaintance of mine so eloquently puts it, a dark room app. The app I discovered was the magnificent DxO PhotoLab version 3. A year…

  • Introduction

    The genesis of this web site was a desire to clean house. Over the years I have had numerous web domains that have served different purposes — principally for podcasting, tech writing, social commentary, and some of my photography. These have, to some extent, tended to cross over one another and at one time I…