Category: Software (Photo)

  • How I Fell In Love with Photography

    How I Fell In Love with Photography

    I’ve been an enthusiast photographer since December 1986 when I inherited my brother’s Cosina CS-1 SLR with Sigma 70-210 lens, literally in a camera shop in Singapore where he was buying his first Nikon. In true “grandfather’s axe” fashion, I still have the same camera today, though I have replaced the body five times and…

  • Scanning Negatives with VueScan (Multi-frame)

    Scanning Negatives with VueScan (Multi-frame)

    Early in 2024, I switched to a new method of digitising films. I have also described this process and the equipment involved, in detail, in the post Digitising Negatives by DSLR. However, that process won’t be for everyone, and this post is by far my most-visited post, so it’s not going anywhere. Some years ago…

  • Lightroom Classic Smart Previews… aren’t

    Lightroom Classic Smart Previews… aren’t

    I’m posting this short treatise because I spent hours today scouring the internet looking for this information and only found it in a forum post — not in countless blog posts on the topic. In Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic (ugh, let’s call it LrC), as with most digital asset management systems, there is the concept…

  • Padding Pictures Like Video

    Padding Pictures Like Video

    I often write small scripts I use on my Mac to get stuff done that are a chore to do manually. Some might call this automation, but really it’s just tool-making. The problem to be solved in this case was padding pictures out to a 16:9 ratio for use as desktop wallpaper on my 4K…

  • Going Deep on Detail

    Going Deep on Detail

    In late 2019, in a fit of pique at Skylum Software’s apparent disregard of promises to their existing customer base, I went looking for a new photo processing tool. As an acquaintance of mine so eloquently puts it, a dark room app. The app I discovered was the magnificent DxO PhotoLab version 3. A year…